Firebug, an addon for the popular web browser firefox became a pain in the a** once at work. It helps you to monitor HTTP request - response, Web Design layout etc. We were trying to make certain changes in our javascript file and review the changes. Clear the private data ( Ctrl-Shift-Delete), restart the browser, we tried almost everything . Later on after breaking head for sometime, we found out that firebug maintains its own cache of all the images, js and other component files being loaded that needs to be cleared in the console and the net tabs.
So folks, if you use firebug with firefox , better be watchful else keep scratching your head. :)
So folks, if you use firebug with firefox , better be watchful else keep scratching your head. :)
3 readers commented:
ya even i got to know about it like a wek back..
if u just hover around firebug icon in status bar.. it will show the browser history .. (actually as a gud alternative for JUNKY crl-shift-del .. ie8 beta now has a STELATH MODE.. ..:)
yup thats true and informative
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