14 April, 2007

BIOINFORMATICS = BIO + INFO + What else do you want ? The hidden reality.

What is this MASALA MIX about ? Well dude , perhaps new jargon of hot spot for education .So what its actually about ? Here you are expected to know everything and i really mean everything . The domains of its definition range from IMMUNOLOGY to DATA MINING ........ RECOMBINANT DNA TECHNOLOGY to CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS ......
And ultimately where do you land up .... " Jack of all trades and master of none". It may seem really fascinating field as it claims to " decipher the code of life " . But finally what you do is some garbage in and garbage out .... CONCLUSION - TOTAL NON SENSE.

Of late many universities and collges have started offering courses ranging from BSc. to MTech . But beware as this chimera branch can lead you nowhere . There are lot of myths and hoax associated with bioinformatics being the next hot spot of education but the real face of reality is exactly reverse. What actually is kind of work expected is more like a DATABASE ENTRY OPERATOR. And if you contradict with other aspects of Bioinformatics like moleular modelling etc , then you need to have solid foundations in Chemistry which a HYBRID bioinformatician fails to acquire .
The worst part of it is the extreme mix nature of accomodating people from two diiferent backgrounds of BIOLOGY and MATHS are mingled and taught . Hence , the maths guy gets frustrated as well as the BIOLOGY one. It can be called as BPO of life sciences where you are expected to input the data in already build software and generate the output without actaully analysing the data and knowing the ultimate essence of it.

However a deeper aspect of the subject would require you to have an exhaustive knowledge in one of the fields like Maths , Algorithm or Molecular Biology .

The blog is written with contributions from Mr Bhaskar Mangal .

5 readers commented:

Anand said...

perfect label for the blog entry dude.. TRUTH.. hehehe.. well it was true to the core.. btw all these rumors are not false.. bioinformatics do have a future.. 65 million jobs are waiting in bioinformatics.. but there is hidden fact too.. its not now.. its in 2030..hehehe..

rakesh said...

thats cool dude. and all the jobs are meant to enter the DNA sequence of 65 Million species in the MICROSOFT excel sheet.

Anand said...

hahaha.. don't worry come to the software field.. it may happen that you will get same type of DATA entry job(if ur bad lucj will prevail) in the initial year.. :) so bioinfo will always rock..:D

rakesh said...

hmmm.... touchwood dude .. don say like that . In that case i will bceome a lecturer in VIT Vellore. That would be much better or perhaps join ISKCON and do bhakti for rest of my life ... LOL

Vasundhar said...

I think comments made here are,

Future is not measured in terms of one getting jobs alone, but also on various other like technical advancement.