13 September, 2007

Relations ' how long they last '

Relations here I am going to talk are friendly relations and not the love relations. What i have learnt from my experiences is that "more higher and deeper a particular relation goes , more badly it collapses".

Mild and moderate relations are found to run smooth and for a comaparatvely longer duration of time.

Highly intense relations at time have a selfish motive or a misunderstanding associated with it.There can be many stupid reasons also associated with a deep relation like sexual attraction as a simple case.

Blood relations are an exception, they are defined by destiny and a binding force leads to their sustenance by default for a longer duration. Creed, caste, proximity also governs relations to a great extent.

2 readers commented:

TKP said...

seems like you had a troubling experience my friend....but remember that there are exceptions too in this world....

rakesh said...

Yes, exceptions... World is full of exceptions...